you recall the aroma of the school kitchens?
Select the links below to re-create these gourmet dishes Toad in the Hole Shepherds Pie Bread and Butter Pudding Share your favorite school dinner recipe with us.
Toad in the
100g (4 oz)
plain flour Method |
1 lb. minced
lamb Heat the oil and fry onion and meat till brown (but don't fry meat if it's leftover). Stir in flour and stock; add parsley, marjoram, and salt and pepper to taste. Blend in Worcestershire sauce. Put into ovenproof dish, smooth mashed potatoes over the top and "riffle the surface with a fork." Bake in 350 degree oven for about 45 min. or until the top is golden brown. If this is made with beef, it's called Cottage Pie. |
and Butter Pudding
Butter Grate an orange or a lemon and sprinkle on top of the bread, and then spread a handful of raisins on top. Beat 12 eggs for a couple of minutes. Add sugar, the juice from the orange or lemon, milk, and ground nutmeg, cinnamon, and cloves. Pour this mixture over the bread and let it soak in. Put into a tray of
water, cover with a piece of foil, and place on the middle shelf of the
oven. Bake for 1-1/2 hours at 325 degrees without running out of water
in the pan. Can be served hot or cold. Lovely with fresh whipped cream
and peach jam. |
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