and the Euro
Dear Readers,
Below is the first response to my ranting which I have copied exactly
from the email that I received.
Thankyou, Paul, for pointing out my spelling mistook, which I have
corrected. I assume that I now have the right to highlight yours,
as below, did you mean many? So thats about quits.
hello, John BS.
First thing to work on is the spelling of opinion. Following
that we will give your views on the Euro a close inspection but
at the moment only time to say, briefly, that it was not experts
that took us into the ERM but Tory politicians, may
of whom now want us to stay out of the Euro zone; and the problem
was that they took us in at the wrong rate a matter on which they
did receive some expert advice but which they did not see fit to
accept. As for my opinion, we should be in, when the time is right
and at the right rate.