Hohne - A Witness to Infamy

The first members website to be featured is that of Keith Williams. His site is called Hohne - A Witness to Infamy and is located at http://www.historyofhohne.cjb.net

Here is part of the introduction to the website which was written by Helen Mathews.

Keith Williams first started to write his history of Hohne for the Gloucester School Hohne Association website, and it really needed no initial introduction because we all knew where Hohne was, we had all gone to school there, some lived on the station itself, while the rest of us lived within a 50 mile radius.

Keith was immediately taken by the historical feel of Hohne when he first went there as an 11 year boy, the son of a serving British soldier posted to Hohne Garrison. It has long been an ambition of his to write this brief history about a place that has played such a major part in the recent history of Europe.

Once a predominantly agricultural area, in 1936 many German families were forcibly removed from their homes and livelihoods, and whole villages were evacuated to make way for the establishment of a massive training ground for the Wehrmacht in the lead up to the war. In April 1945 towards the end of WWII, it was where the Western Allies first had irrefutable proof of what had until then only been talked about, witnessing for the first time the horrors of the infamous Bergen~Belsen Concentration camp which lay a mere 3 kilometres away from Hohne itself. In the period immediately following the war, during what was to be known as the "Cold War" the ever-present threat of invasion from the east meant that Hohne became a BAOR stronghold with several units of the British Army permanently stationed close to the front line. Since that time, following the re-unification of Germany, the situation has changed, and Hohne is once again adapting and adjusting to the new political landscape.

Hohne - A Witness to Infamy